The Library was launched in March 1986; initially, it counted on resources from José Bonifácio Foundation – FUJB – and from FINEP – Studies and Projects Financer. In July 1988, the inventory, which was in the Central Library of the Technology Center, was transferred to the Institute’s new headquarter, in the Rectory Building.

IPPUR Library has been getting donations from great-relevance inventories over the years, with emphasis on part of the collection from the extinct Library of National Housing Bank, part of the private collection of Professor Michael David Vetter and from Engineer José de Oliveira Reis, and from the private inventory of Professors Eduardo Guimarães de Carvalho and Martim Oscar Smolka.

The aim of this Library, which is speciflized in Urban and Regional Planning, is to ensure support to the multidiciplinary profile of teaching and research in this field through collections from several disciplinary fields: Urban and Regional, Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Sciences, Architecture and Urbanism, Urban History and Environment.


The Library counts on more than 23 thousand titles among books, panphlets, journals, theses and dissertations, videos, cd-roms and special series.

Opening Hours:
9:00A to 04:00 pm
(Mondays to Fridays)


Language School Building
Av. Horácio Macedo, 2151 ​Cidade Universitária – RJ
PS: We are located in the access to the Language Library between Room D 118 and Jorge Sena Chair Room
