The enrollment in a discipline is the very act taken by students to bond to a certain class, of a certain discipline, in order to learn a given content. A class is an association between a discipline and a given professor. The enrollment in disciplines takes place in the beginning of each of the four academic periods, it comprises three different moments, with well-determined deadlines:

  1. At first, there is a deadline for the student to send its request for enrollment in the disciplines;
  2. Subsequently, there is a deadline for the student to send its request for changes (inclusions and exclusions) of enrollments in disciplines;
  3. Finally, there is a deadline for the student to send its request for enrollment lock (exclusions) in disciplines.

All deadlines are defined in PPG-PUR calendar, which is available in the Master’s and Doctoral sector / Calendar

Disciplines offered by PPG-PUR can be accessed in Post-Graduation/Master’s and Doctorate/Disciplines/ Schedules

UFRJ Students, and students from other higher education institutions, from other courses, be them at graduation or post-graduation level, who are interested but who are not linked to higher education institutions can request their enrollment in PPG-PUR disciplines as long as they are graduated at minimum schooling level, or are, at least, in college.

The applicant must access one of the options below, based on its own profile, in order o apply for a discipline:

1 – PPG-PUR student: must use SIGA (Integrated System for Academic management) – Student Portal – to apply to the disciplines, to submit its request for changes (inclusions and exclusions) in discipline enrollments and to submit its requests for locking discipline enrollments, based on the deadlines defined in the PPG-PUR calendar available at

2 – The interested part that is not a PPG-PUR student: must use Discipline Application form – Interested ones who are not PPG-PUR students in order to apply for disciplines, to submit its request for changes (inclusions and exclusions) in disciplines’ enrollment and to submit its request to lock (exclusion) the enrollment in any discipline, based on the deadlines defined in the form.