2021.1 Discipline Matrix

Flowchart of the Graduation Discipline Matrix of the Public Management for Economic and Social Development course (GPDES)

2013 Disicpline Matrix Version

Only available for students enrolled until 2016.2

Optional Disciplines for conditioned choice

Students willing to take one of the Profesional Formation Axes offered by GPDES must attend at least 20 credits in the chosen axis:

Supplementary Discipline Matrix Requirements

Supplementary Disicpline Matrix Requirements, also knonw as RCS, are mandatory activities for the integration of courses presenting features different from those in the mandatory and optional disciplines.

RCSs may, or not, grant credits. Students in GPDES must fulful the following RCS in order to deserve the diploma:

  • Complementary activities: 60 hours, 1 credit;
  • Course Conclusion Paper (TCC): 90 hours, 2 credits;
  • Supervised Internship: 180 hours, 4 credits;
  • Extension Discipline Matrix activities: 300 hours, they do not grant credits.