Standard Deliberation 01/2018 provides on the approval, changes and publication of standards by the Urban and Regional Research and Planning Institute, as well as on the consolidation of regulatory acts mentioned by it.

The chart below presents the summary of standards in place at IPPUR/UFRJ and their digital version.

Post-Graduation Program in Urban and Regional Planning – PPG-PUR

Deliberation Year Source Content
Deliberation nº01/2010/CD 2010 Teaching commission – IPPUR Standards for Students’ participation in events
Deliberation nº01/2012/CD  Listening studies 2012 Teaching coordination/IPPUR Permission for Listening students in Disciplines of the Post-Graduation Course
Deliberation nº01/2013/PPG/CD Doctorate standards 2013 IPPUR/Post-Collegiate Provides on the Post-Doctorate Internship at Post-Graduation program in Urban and Regional Planning of IPPUR/UFRJ
Deliberation nº01/2016/PPG/CD Regulation 2016 IPPUR/CD Rules of the Post-Graduation Program in Urban and Regional Planning
Deliberation nº01/2020/CDE 2020 IPPUR/CD Standards for granting Master’s and Doctorate scholarships (2002 original standard; changes in 2006, 2011 and 2020)
GT of the restart of IPPUR activities 2020 Deliberation Council Proposition by students for IPPUR protocol which was consolidated after GT meeting for restart of activities and the academic calendar for the Post-Graduation

CEPG standard instruction on deadlines for Master’s and Doctorate Dissertation Defense at UFRJ

Graduation Program in Public Management for Economic and Social Development – GPDES

Deliberation Year Source Content
Deliberation nº02/2013 Regulation GPDES 2013 GPDES Collegiate Regulates the Graduation Program in Public Management for Economic and Social Development (2003)
Deliberation n. 01/2017/GPDES/CD 2017 GPDES Collegiate Provides on the standards for complementary activities (Supplementary Discipline Matrix requirements – RCS) to be fulfilled by students of the Public Management for Economic and Social Development course – GPDES of IPPUR/UFRJ.
Deliberation IPPUR nº 01/2021 – GPDES 2021 GPDES Collegiate Approves the Supervised Internship Program for students enrolled in the Public Management for Economic and Social Development Course – GPDES.
Deliberation IPPUR nº 02/2021 – GPDES 2021 GPDES Collegiate Regulates the Course Conclusion Paper of the Graduation Program in Public Management for Economic and Social Development

Standards of the Urban Regional Research and Planning Institute – IPPUR

Deliberation Year Source Content
Deliberation n. 01/2004 CD Groups Research laboratory 2004 IPPUR/CD Standards on Groups/Research Laboratories
Deliberation n. 01/2005 CD/Rules re-discussion on the CD topic 2005 IPPUR/CD Sets the standards for the re-discussion and review of CD deliberations
Deliberation n. 01/2011 CD, IPPUR internal Regulation 2011 IPPUR/CD Regulation of the Urban and Regional Research and Planning Institute of UFRJ
Deliberation n. 03/2011 – Submission Agenda item/CD 2011 IPPUR/CD This Resolution provides on the submission of items to be included in Ordinary meeting minutes of IPPUR/UFRJ Deliberative Council.
Deliberation n. 01/2014 CD Functional Progression Table 2014 IPPUR/CD Table and profiles for IPPUR Progression and Promotion.
Deliberation n. 02/2017 CD absence Enhancement 2014 CD Absence procedure for the qualification of professors at Urban and Regional Research and Planning Institute of UFRJ 
Ordinance n.12854 Probationary internship IPPUR 2019 CCJE Table presenting the distribution of item for the evaluation of professors at probationary internship at Urban and Regional Research and Planning Institute – IPPUR