2022.2 TCC Defense Scheduling

TCC 2022.2 Defense Scheduling Guidelines

Application Cancelling

It is the full cancelation of students’ bond to the University

Discipline dismissal

Discipline dismissal must be required to the corresponding Department, which must assess its correspondence based on the presented program, workload, date when attended the course and approval grade in the discipline in question.

Application to Disciplines

Before the beginning of the school year, the course promotes the application to new disciplines. This action is students’ very bond to the learning of a given discipline.

Maintenance bond

Enrollment in UFRJ may be kept in order to go on with the course, if the graduation course encompasses different formations. The option for a new formation or modality must be requested to the Unit, in written format, before graduation.


The application is the student’s very bond to the University, through the supervision of a college center.

Changing Courses

The students who wish to change courses can look for the university center whose scope covers the course to which they want to be transferred to.

Enrollment Lock

The student can give up its application to a given discipline if it is authorized to the Advisor Professor, as long as the period of ¼ of the semester was not over yet.

Registration locking

If the student needs to interrupt academic activities due to travel, illness, financial difficulty, dissatisfaction with the chosen course, working hours and family problems, he may request to withdraw his enrollment at the Unit, by completing a specific form, at any time, except in the last half of the term.


Graduation is the last official academic act graduates take part at. It is a humble cerimony promoted by IPPUR; students’ attendance is mandatory.

Graduates sign the book of graduates’ register during the cerimony and get their Graduation Certificate, which will work as evidence of course conclusion until the diploma is issued.

The student will only be able to attend the Graduation cerimony after finishing the course and after approval in all disciplines and supplementary discipline matrix requirements.

The student must present to the course’s secretariat with the following documents (originals and copies) in order to request its participation in the Graduation cerimony:

  1. Birth or wedding certificate;
  2. ID;
  3. CPF;
  4. Nada Consta (Nothing Stated), which is requested at UFRJ library;
  5. Voters’ registration;
  6. Prove of having voted in the last elections (1st and 2nd rounds, whenever it is the case) or Electoral Discharge Certificate, issued at TSE website;
  7. Reservist Certificate (Military Enlistment Certificate is not accepted);
  8. High school diploma (front and back) and its publication in the Official Gazette, from 1985 onwards (except for those obtained in Federal Institutions or outside Rio de Janeiro State)
  9. List of students graduated in high school published in the Official Gazette (with their names properly pointed out by highlighter pen)

Academic Dignity Diploma

UFRJ provides academic dignity to its students who have finished the graduation course and who attend the set of following requirements:

  • Having more than 80 % of the number of credits of its course;
  • Having finished the course within the time expected as normal course duration;
  • Not having any disciplinary sanction.

Academic dignity diploma granting, in all its respective modalities, favors students who have reached the performance coefficients listed below, during the course – it takes into account the student’s final approval scores in all disciplines:

  • “Summa cum laude”: CR equal to or higher than 9.5;
  • “Magna cum laude”: CR equal to or higher than 9.0;
  • “Cum laude”: CR equal to or higher than 8.0.

Students who have fulfilled the requirements must issue a request to Divisão de Registro de Estudante (DRE) – Student Registration Division -, at the Center of Mathematics Sciences and Nature (CCMN). Contact by e-mail direcao@dre.ufrj.br or by phone 3938-9407.

Academic Dignity Diplomas are handed out in a special ceremony at UFRJ