Cooperação Internacional

l’Enseignement et de la Recherche en Aménagement et Urbanisme –APEREAU – and the Latin-American Council of Social Sciences – CLACSO.

Besides cooperating with institutions countrywide in teaching, research and extension activities, IPPUR/UFRJ deepens its internationalization by solidifying partnerships and establishing academic, network research and interchange agreements with institutions in the following countries:

  • List of international academic and technical, scientific and cultural interchange agreements
  • List of international agreements for theses in cotutelle

For further information about agreements for these in international cotutelle in UFRJ, click here.

For further information about the signature of academic and technical, scientific and cultural cooperation agreements in UFRJ, click here.

Acordos internacionais de cooperação acadêmica e intercâmbio técnico, científico e cultural*

*Acordos em vigência nos últimos 5 anos


Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Agreement validity: April 25th, 2017
Mobility: No
Process: 49012/12-31

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Agreement validity: February 28th, 2017
Mobility: Yes
Process: 30078/11-03

Universidad Nacional de San Martín
Agreement validity: February 10th, 2019
Mobility: No
Process: 63170/13-01

Universidad Nacional Del Litoral
Agreement validity:
Mobility: No
Process: 20313/15-61


Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
Agreement validity: April 14th, 2017
Mobility: No
Process: 34198/13-79


Universidade La Gran Colombia
Agreement validity:
Mobility: Yes
Process: 13227/10-34

Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Medellín
Vigência do acordo:
Mobilidade: Sim
Processo: 13227/10-34


Universidade de Holguín
Agreement validity: February 06th, 2022
Mobility: No
Process: 3209/16-92

Estados Unidos

Brazil-USA Higher Education Program
Agreement validity: August 02nd, 2015
Mobility: Yes
Process: 25916/11-18


Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Agreement validity: November 30th, 2015
Mobility: No
Process: 56336/10-91


Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Unidad Xochimilco
Agreement validity: November 23rd, 2022
Mobility: No
Process: 46424/15-05
Research Project: REDCON – Rede de Observatórios dos Conflitos Urbanos – Network of Urban-Conflicts Observatories
Coordinator: Prof. Carlos Vainer

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Unidad Xochimilco
Agreement validity: March 22nd, 2021
Mobility: No
Process: 46422/15-16
Research Project: Metropoles in Latin-America
Coordinator: Prof. Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Agreement validity:
Proccess: 32900/11-06

Agreements on theses in international cotutelle*

*Agreements in place in the last 5 years


Universität Hamburg
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Thêmis Aragão
Status: defended thesis


Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Aldenilson dos Santos Vitorino Costa
Status: defended thesis


Universidade Lumière – Lyon 2
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Jean Legroux
Status: defended thesis

Université Lumière – Lyon 2
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Suyá Quistl
Status: on-going process


Université Paris Diderot
(Paris 7)

Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Nicolas Quirion
Status: on-going process

Université Vicennes Saint-Denis
Paris 8)

Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Laurine Sézérat
Status: on-going process


Scuola Normale Superiore
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Aldrey Íscaro
Status: on-going process


Universidade de Coimbra
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Andrea Carla de Azevêdo
Status: Defended thesis


Universidade de Coimbra
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Felipe Loureiro
Status: on-going process

Universidade do Minho
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Arthur Pereira Santos
Status: on-going process

Universidade do Porto
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: André Luiz Bezerra
Status: defended thesis

Universidade do Porto
Closed agreement on theses in international cotutelle
Interested part: Silvio Cesar Alves Rodrigues
Status: defended thesis